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Unity 5, Blender - 3D Modeling, C#, Graphic Design


This project is based on the theme 'Singularity' and its definition in relation to technology and AI. A definition written by Sean Arnott (2014) is what inspired my projects own definition, it states "The technological singularity is when our creations surpass us in our understanding of them vs their understanding of us, rendering us obsolete in the process." My project looks at Video games and their relation between AI and perception.

From this my project went in the direction of the game as it was particularly interesting when relating to AI, this brought forward the topic of NPCs (non-player characters) or game AI. I created my own definition of game singularity which is "The technological singularity in relation to game is when NPCs or game AI exceeds the player's expectations in a way that changes the way people perceive game." From this definition questions of NPC expectations and game, stipulations came forward which I have investigated creativity through NPC creation.

My projects focus is challenging well-known game fundamentals in relation to Game AI specifically NPCs (non-player character). An NPC is described as any character the is not controlled by the player, these characters are usually controlled by some sort of Artificial Intelligence (AI). What would happen in a game situation if the player's expectations of NPCs were challenged? How would the effect how they chose to play and perceive the game? 

My project will challenge NPC fundamentals by making different NPCs with different attributes, these attributes will not be visually shown through the appearance of the NPCs as they are in many games today, therefore making it difficult for the player to predict the NPCs ‘threat level'. These attributes will be both emotional and physical, an example of an emotional attribute is hate or fear, this will affect the NPCs state in combat. If the current emotional state is fear the NPC will run from the player, if the state is hate the NPC will attack the player. An example of a physical attribute is the NPCs health or hit points, this will determine the NPCs overall ‘threat' level. Adams and Rollings state that games used to be more reliant on physical attributes but are now evolving to include emotional attributes (2007). 

Creating NPCs that look the same but have different attributes will make my project exceed the player's expectations as it is something different and unpredictable, which in turn would make the players interaction with the NPCs surprising. 


Arnott, S. (2012). The technological singularity. Retrieved May 5, 2017, from

Adams, E., & Rollings, A. (2007). Game design and development. Person Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Perception NPCs: Service
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